Centering In
Centering In
Using the Focusing Process to Facilitate Change
Using the Focusing Process to Facilitate Change
"It has been a real pleasure doing Focusing work with Julie. Her skill as a Focusing guide is matched by her great warmth and concern for me as a person. The work we did together has helped me move forward on an important project in my life. I have reconnected to inner resources that I had nearly forgotten about. One of the most interesting aspects of our work together was how things that came up that originally seemed like "problems" turned out to have very important positive aspects. I would highly recommend Julie to anyone who wants to connect to their own inner wisdom and to clarify what is important in their lives."
~David R. ~
"Focusing has been a transformative experience for me. I have found it to be an incredibly safe, effective and efficient way to access deeply buried emotional material and bring it lovingly into conscious awareness. And as a completely unexpected bonus, Focusing has brought new depth and dimension to my spiritual practice. Julie is a gifted facilitator and extraordinary human being. She brings an expansive warmth and presence to her work and creates an atmosphere of complete safety and total acceptance. I am profoundly grateful to have discovered both Focusing and Julie."
~Fran L.~